Sunday 23rd - Mark 14:27-52
Reflection Questions:
Pastors Reflection
Annual General Meeting
We looked at Matthew 28:18-20 and saw Jesus' power and presence as his people are called to proclaim. We also heard how God has worked through us and the plans for this year. We gave thanks for how ministry is taking place because of the giving of brothers and sisters in the past and now and were updated with the 2025 budget. We face a financial challenge this year with rising costs of living and a new congregation. Yet we continue to trust God to work through his people as we continue the mission.
We give thanks for the following people who have been elected for office. Please pray for them and us as we seek to discern and do God's will.
Wardens: Pat Furci, Neil Deuis and Sharyn Gaspari.
Parish Councillors: David Humphrey, Ron Heaney and Glenda Brander.
Nominators: Neil Deuis, Don Stavert, Alex Bahn, Sharyn Gaspari and Glenda Brander.
We also had an Asian themed combined lunch. An opportunity to meet one another. Some photos (4) are attached of the day.
Attached are some statistics of the religious makeup of a few Asian countries to fuel your prayers (which were on the tables during lunch).
Sermon Series
This Week
We began by looking at the sinful, selfish and self reliant shepherds of God's people. We then looked at Jesus who is THE shepherd. He is the one who prays, relies on God and seeks to do God's will even when he desires not to. We finished off by looking at ourselves. Without the Spirit, we'll all be Peter and the disciples who deny Jesus and break our promises to remain faithful. Yet after Jesus rises again, we have the Spirit who allows us to make and mature disciples of all nations.
Do we realise what Jesus accomplished? What's God's will? How can we pursue it despite hardships and hurdles?
This Sunday
Pastor Elvin will be preaching. To help us prepare, we can read the passage beforehand and think about when we are tempted to desert Jesus?
Reaching the Nations
We give thanks that we are able to officially invite Pastor Elvin on staff as he leads the 11:30am ministry. He is currently on a 1 day a week stipend as we seek to grow the ministry. Please prayerfully consider giving towards this ministry (labelling it "1130") on top of your giving to Lugarno Anglican.
As we do this, please keep praying for the nations. You can use this prayer as a guide:
Heavenly Father, we praise you for your mercy, grace, love, patience and salvation. We praise for wanting everyone to be saved and no one to perish. We praise you for our new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. We praise you that we can approach you with boldness and have assurance of being in the new Jerusalem. We praise you for being close and putting people in places and times so that they may reach out and find you. We long for the day when people from different nations will be praising you for your worth and works. You wait for your prodigal children to return and rejoice when they do. We are sorry for when our behaviour doesn’t match our belief. We are sorry for when we fear humans rather than you. We are sorry for when we rely on ourselves rather than your Word and Spirit. May we see the reality of hell and the realness of heaven. May we see the gospel as the power of salvation for everyone who believes and is bearing fruit all around the world. May we urgently, desperately and compassionately seek the lost before it’s too late. May your people be a house of prayer for the nations and be excited to make disciples everywhere. May we be ready to give a reason for the hope that we have and take and make gospel opportunities. May we all, young and old, share the good news to people you’ve placed in our lives. May we be all things to all people so that many will be saved. May we be creative, wise and godly as we do whatever we can to share the gospel with others and connect them with your church family. May we desire all to be mature in Christ. May many worship you as Lord and Saviour. May we persevere in prayer. We ask all this for the good of people and the glory of your name. Amen.
God bless,